Tuesday, July 12, 2005


Sami is so inquisitive and can now crawl across a room in just a heartbeat. Into everything. If I open the fridge, she just comes scooting from wherever she is to try to get into it. Same with the dishwasher. What is the attraction, I don't know. But she is bent on exploring them. Last night she was so cute, and showed me how literally babies can apply their logic to things... they only know what they see right now.

Just as Michael and I finished up dinner out on our patio the other night, Sami woke up from a late, short nap, and our next-door neighbor Dee came over. Sami was eating raisins out there with us, and I asked her if I could have one, and she fed it to me. Then I asked her to give Daddy one, which she did. Then I told her Dee wanted one -- and this was so adorable, she put the raisin up in the sky towards Dee's upstairs window where she always yells down at us when we're out on the patio, and just then it dawned on us that Sami doesn't realize that the Dee in the window is the same woman that comes over to the patio. So, so cute.

I guess we always say things like "There's Dee!" when we see her in the window. But when she comes over to visit on the patio, we probably don't say her name a whole lot, and so Sami never figured out how all of that transpired.

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