On Saturday, Sami and I went to Big Lots for, um, let’s see – what would it have been? Oh yeah. Birdseed. We hung up birdfeeders in our back ‘messy’ yard where I don’t really care if the resulting weeds sprout from beneath the barren grass-free dirt beneath our big pine tree anyway. So yes. Birdseed. Cheaper at Big Lots, donchaknow? Except, I always end up buying 50 dollars worth of other stuff there too. Like, Saturday, we found two books for Sami for a couple bucks apiece. One was a wipe-off marker book, and the other a lift-the-flap book. She was pretty distracted when I put them in the cart since I let her play with something else while we shopped. Then, I was also stealthy at check-out and she didn’t acknowledge at least, that she had seen them.
Which is all well and good since I like to have something—ANYthing—new to break out during Mondays and Tuesdays when I work from home with her there.
Today (Monday), I remembered I had those as my trump cards hiding in the toy bin, stashed away for when she ran out of entertainment today. I couldn’t wait to see how long I could go before I had to break them out.
Then? Early afternoon, and Sami strolls into my office from playing in the spare bedroom with her stuffed bunny and giant stuffed panda. (I don’t know what she was playing because every time I tried to spy on what I suspected was cuteness, she pointed her finger and ordered me out. She was talking to them, though, and I never could catch what the whole scenario was. Dammit.) She goes, “I have 2 new books.” Holding up two fingers at the same time. I was so taken aback that a) she had noticed them b) that she was suddenly remembering them c) just in general. I said, “What?” Blink. Blink. I was stalling to try to figure out if she actually KNEW it, or had just blundered into a lucky guess. Because, come on – she’s two.
She goes, “I’d like to read my two new books.” Well alrighty then. I went and got them for her. How the hell did she know they were in there? What other things does she ‘get’ that I think is over her head?!
She ‘read’ them for a while herself, then invited me to join her, and I couldn’t resist.
And in the lift-a-flap book, it was the alphabet with pictures behind each letter, ya know? Under the ‘P’ flap, they had a pail. Only, we’ve always called her sand vessels ‘buckets.’ So I’m ‘reading’ it and I say, “’P’ is for…pail.” She repeats it as ‘pay-oh.’ Then, she pauses and goes, “Actwee? It’s a bucket, mom.” Gently. So as not to embarrass me that I got it wrong.
But that little well-placed, “Actually?” Her delivery slays me.
This not-talking-baby-talk-to-her is really paying off. Some of the ever so proper things she says, but still in the sweet pronunciation of her 2 year old self, is just priceless.